Massca Makers
As a small business, we know how much time and dedication goes into a days work. From large projects to small, we know small business owners put their hearts into their shops and into the products they create.
Which is why we're launching our new page & program called Massca Helping Woodworkers and Massca Makers. We'd like to give back to hardworking small business owners in the Massca community.
Become a #MasscaMaker sending in your #MasscaTools projects to and get the chance to be featured on our Massca Helping Woodworkers page. More details coming soon.
Meet The Creator of The Dowel Jig X

Daniel Herrmann - The Dowel Jig X
Daniel Herrmann is the inventor behind Massca's newest tool - The Dowel Jig X.
Daniel's interest in woodworking began at an early age. His late father was a taleneted woodworker who created beautiful furniture pieces from the wood he cut on his own property. Daniel always enjoyed watching him work in the shop.
When Daniel moved cross country, he wanted to create pieces of furniture for his new home. From there he started looking for ways to join wood pieces together without using nails or screws to give it more of a natural feel. After searching for which joint would be best for his projects, he discovered that dowel joints would be a strong and sturdy method for joinery. However, he ran across one issue - with the dowels being parallel to one another, they had to be glued, clamped and then waited on until the glue dried before he could continue working on the rest of his piece. They also we're not as strong as he hoped.
That's when Daniel's idea of the Dowel Jig X came about. By creating an angled type dowel joint that would be stronger and more efficent to work with. It would allo a user to put two dowels in at different angles, preventing the parts from seperating.
After making a prototype of the Dowel Jig X, Daniel used it to build his first project, a small table.
"It worked even better than I expected, and I discovered several different ways to use it." - Daniel Herrmann
Meet The Creator of The Revealer

Jeremy Cooper - The Revealer
Jeremy Cooper from @Iaamtradeco is the inventor behind Massca's newest tool - The Revealer.
Jeremy has been in the carpentry field for 22 years. He began his journey with carpentry in highschool woodshop. From an early age, he had a passion for the trade and knew it was where he wanted to spend his time. After highschool, Jeremy went on to complete trade school and become an apprentence to a carpenter for 4 years, specializing in doors and trim.
During his time working in the trade, Jeremy discovered he enjoyed finding new solutions to making work quicker and more efficient. After working with his brother on a job, he noticed that he couldn't figure out how to keep a consistent reveal. The idea sparked to create a multitool to help his brother keep a consistent trim every time and from there, The Revealer was born.
Meet The Creator of The Massca Workstation

Andy Browning - Massca Pocket-Hole Jig Workstation
Andy Browning from @boardathome123 purchased his M2 PRO Aluminum Pocket-Hole Jig System back in May 2021. He is an avid user of his newest joinery tool and loves its all metal construction. He enjoys using his Massca Pocket-Hole Jig in his workshop and for his newest woodworking projects. Andy knew he could make the Massca Pocket-Hole Jig that much better so he took his idea to the workshop. Click the video below to watch Andy's video introduction to his latest project on the Massca PHJ.
Your Massca Pocket Hole Jig is the highest quality Pocket Hole Jig money can buy! Now you can combine, use, and store your Massca Jig, and all its Accessories, with the MASSCA POCKET HOLE JIG MOUNTING SYSTEM! This carefully designed, patent pending mounting system organizes your loose wrenches, drill bit, driver bit, and depth adjustment tool while securing them to the mounting board.

-Magnetic Tool Storage
-Secure Depth Adjustment Tool Storage
-Recessed Finger Clearance Slots for Material Stops/Supports
-20mm Bench Dog Holes compatible with European Cabinet Shop Standards
-Numerous Temporary and Permanent Bench Mounting Options
-Built-in Drill Depth Adjustment Ports
-Pre-drilled Pocket Hole Jig Mounting Holes
-Durable Coating on Back of Mounting System
-Can Be Used as a Wall Mountable Storage Unit
-Developed in Cooperation with Massca Products.
-Patent Pending
-Exclusively Available from Massca Products and Creative Tool Company

Massca Pocket Hole Jig Sold Separately
NOTE: Creative Tool Company, Board at Home 123, and Massca Products have no affiliation with any other tool brand shown in videos or photos. All images are for Tool Use and Demonstration Purposes ONLY.
Where to buy
Looking for where to buy Andy's Pocket-Hole Jig Storage and Mount?